

Three cushion billiards is a fascinating variant of billiards that is characterised by its particular complexity and strategic depth. The game is played on a rectangular table measuring 2.84 x 1.42 metres and uses three balls: one red and two white balls for each player. The aim is to use both white balls to hit the red ball and then the opponent's ball with a maximum of three cushions before sinking your own ball.

Strategic planning and precise positioning of the balls are crucial, as each shot can contain both offensive and defensive elements. Players must not only position their own balls, but also anticipate their opponent's movements. Skilful techniques such as spin and precise ball control are essential to master the difficult demands of this sport.

Three cushion billiards requires not only technical skill, but also mental strength and an in-depth tactical approach. The combination of precision and strategic thinking makes this game a demanding challenge for players of all levels.

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Okouzlení kulecníkem – trojband
Tato ucebnice pro zacátecníky a pokrocilé predstavuje obsáhlou oblast kulecníku – trojbandu. Systematicky a prehledne jsou zde probrány nejprve základy, ruzné pozice a techniky strku. Ve druhé cásti se již pokrocilí hráci naucí strategiím pro odvrácení tuší, cílenou pokracovací hru a výpoctové systémy pro hru pres mantinel. Analýzy problému a speciální rešení profesionálu zprostredkují ctenárum „správný zpusob myšlení“. Tretí cást knihy se zabývá nakonec také psychologickými faktory, jež umožní vývoj silného „vnitrního atleta“.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
39,95 EUR
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Billiards Manual - Three Cushion Vol. 1

After years of efforts to satisfy the high standards of the author we are pleased to offer this long-awaited translation into English.  
The discipline of Three-Cushion, considered by many to be the highest form of  carom billiards, is explained, analyzed and discussed in great depth, supported by more than 800 graphic illustrations.
The book can serve as a training guide for the novice, as well as a reference manual for the advanced player.  It addresses all elementary components of the game, and also presents innovative solutions to difficult positions.
Sound technical advice is offered, and intelligent sport psychology is discussed, combining in a work designed to improve every serious three-cushion player’s game. 

Shipping time: 2 Weeks
35,00 EUR
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Big Points in Three Cushion
The second book of Andreas Efler shows 300 special Solution in three cushion divides and categorized in different columns. The author explains the shot techniques with a special developed symbolic written in English and language.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
44,95 EUR
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Carom Billiards Basics A Training Program with Exercises, Games and an Achievement Test

A Training Program with Exercises, Games and an Achievement Test

The basics training program is not only a useful guide for beginners into the fascinating world of carom billiards but also advanced players can improve and control their technique. The effects are systematically tought - separately as well as in combination - by means of exercises. A collection of training games guarantees lots of fun. The results of the exercises can be recorded and saved in a special database. This makes it easy for you to measure your progress!

Shipping time: 3-4 Days
24,99 EUR
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Ducking Kisses in Three Cushion Vol. 1

Volume 1 is about kisses in the classic patterns „Natural Around“ and „Opposite Around“. By means of diagrams and symbols the problem is explained and followed by an adequate strategy and technique. At the beginning of each chapter a training suggestion is proposed to the reader which enables the player to train these very complex subjects in a reasonable and structured way.

ISBN: 9783941484757 (print)
Format: 17x24 cm
140 pages
Content black/white
Cover coloured

Shipping time: 3-4 Days
24,99 EUR
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Ducking Kisses in Three Cushion Vol. 2

Volume 2 out of 3 volumes of the book series Ducking Kisses in Three-Cushion Billiards deals with the many problems with kisses and respective solution strategies in the pattern „Double Around“. Especially when playing via four up to seven rails as it is the case in double around solutions, several crossings of the paths of B 1 and B 2 are generated which must exactly be planned ahead. In numerous diagrams the problem is shown first and then the respective solution strategies are presented. The patterns in this book are divided in chapters with related problems of kissing. After the single chapters the already learned strategies can be used in several example positions. Additionally, after each group of patterns there is a chapter with application examples.

ISBN: 9783941484795
116 pages
content black/white
Cover coloured

Shipping time: 3-4 workdays
24,99 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Ducking Kisses in Three Cushion Vol. 3

As in volume 1 and 2 also here the problem is shown first and then respective solution strategies are presented.
A little self test at the end of the book shows the reader how well his ability to find the correct solution strategy has developed.

ISBN: 9783941484832
148 pages
Content: balack/white
Cover: coloured

Shipping time: 3-4 workdays
24,99 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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